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Can Dogs Eat Watermelon? A Refreshing Treat or Potential Risk?

Updated: Jul 4

If you’re a pet lover like me, you’re probably on the lookout for safe, healthy treats to feed your dogs. Have you ever wondered whether it's safe to share your favorite summer treat, watermelon, with your furry companion. Watermelon is a delicious and hydrating fruit, but can dogs enjoy this refreshing snack too? Let's explore whether watermelon is a safe addition to your dog's diet and the precautions you should take.

Owner offering a slice of watermelon to their dog

Is Watermelon Safe for Dogs?

The good news is that watermelon is generally safe for dogs when given in moderation. It's a great source of hydration, as it contains about 92% water, making it a refreshing treat during hot summer days. Watermelon is low in calories and sodium, high in fiber, fat free, and rich in essential vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium, which can contribute to your dog's overall health and wellbeing.

Portion Control is Key

While watermelon is safe for dogs, it's essential to practice portion control. Too much of any new food can cause gastrointestinal upset, including diarrhea or stomach discomfort. Start by offering small pieces of watermelon as a treat and observe how your dog reacts. If they tolerate it well, you can gradually increase the portion size.

Things to Avoid:

Seeds: Remove all seeds from the watermelon slices before giving them to your dog. Watermelon seeds can pose a choking hazard and may also cause intestinal blockage in some cases, especially with smaller dogs.

Rind: The watermelon rind is tough and difficult for dogs to digest. Avoid giving your furry friend the green outer skin.

Sugar Content: While watermelon is low in calories, it does contain natural sugars. Too much sugar can lead to weight gain and potential dental issues. Feed watermelon in moderation as an occasional treat, not as a regular part of their diet.

Pre-cut Watermelon: Avoid purchasing pre-cut watermelon with added sugars, sweeteners, or preservatives. Stick to fresh, natural watermelon and cut it up yourself.

Bowl of seedless watermelon chunks with rind removed

Signs of Watermelon Allergy or Intolerance

Every dog is unique, and some may have allergies or intolerances to certain foods, including watermelon. Watch for any signs of an adverse reaction, such as:

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

  • Lethargy

  • Itchy Skin

  • Hives

If you notice any of these symptoms after feeding your dog watermelon, consult your veterinarian promptly.


In conclusion, watermelon can be a safe and enjoyable treat for most dogs when offered in moderation and with appropriate precautions. Remember to remove seeds and avoid the tough rind. Monitor your dog's response to watermelon, and if they show any signs of intolerance, discontinue offering it.

It is recommended to consult with your veterinarian before introducing new foods, especially if your dog has any pre-existing health conditions or dietary restrictions.

Stay mindful of your furry friend's well-being, and treat them to a delicious, refreshing watermelon snack responsibly!

Frozen watermelon treats for dogs in paw and bone shapes

Check out these tasty treats your dogs are sure to love! Let us know below if you give them a try or if you have other treat ideas.

Honey Melon-sicles


  • 2 cups of fresh seedless watermelon chunks

  • 2/3 cup plain Greek yogurt

  • 2 teaspoons honey


  1. Place silicone molds on a cookie sheet or tray to help transfer them to the freezer and store without spilling

  2. Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth

  3. Pour into the molds filling to the top

  4. Place molds in the freezer for approximately 4 hours (until solid)

  5. Gently release the frozen treats and store in an airtight container or freezer bag for up to two months.

Try these recipe alternatives:

  • Add 1/2 cup of fresh blueberries to the blender instead of honey

  • Add 1 small banana to the blender instead of honey

I use these silicone molds for my larger dogs and these silicone molds are great for smaller dogs, but you can use any that you like, based on the size of your dog. If you don’t have any molds you can easily use regular ice trays – just fill them about 1/2 or 2/3 full before freezing.

As with any treat, give these to your pup in moderation!

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